Bunny Kingdom
Peace has come at last to the great Bunny Kingdom! Lead your clan of rabbits to glory by gathering resources and building new cities across the land!
Draft cards and pick the right ones to position your warrens on the 100 squares of the board, provide resources to your colonies, build new cities to increase your influence, and plan your strategy to score big at the end of the game. Settle in lakesides or fields to collect water and grow carrots, gather mushrooms in the green forest, and climb the highest mountains to discover rare and precious resources... Secretly rally rabbit lords and recruit skillful masters to make your cities and resources even more valuable at the end of the game.
After each turn, your groups of contiguous warrens grant you points depending on the cities and different resources they include. The game ends after 4 rounds, and the player with the most points wins the game.
Number of players: 2 - 4
Game duration: 20 mn
Complexity: 2 / 5
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Play Bunny Kingdom and 917 other games online.
No download necessary - play directly from your web browser.
With your friends and thousands of players from the whole world.

Rules summary
The Phases of a Round
1 - Exploration Phase
A- Draft Cards
Look at the cards in your Hand and choose 2 that you will play.
Put them face-down in front of you. Place the rest of your cards face-down in front of your neighbor. They will take them after the Play Cards Step.
During rounds 1 and 3: pass the cards to the player on your left. During rounds 2 and 4: pass the cards to the player on your right.
B- Play Cards
Play the 2 cards you chose in the first step.
• If you play a Parchment card, place it face-down in front of you without revealing it. You can look at your Parchment cards at any time. They will be revealed after the 4th Round (at the End of the Game). Note: The number of Parchment cards you have is public information.
• If you play a Territory card, place one of your Rabbits on the Territory shown on your card (it will have the same coordinates). You control this Territory from now on. Put the Territory card in your discard pile. Note: If the Territory is already occupied by an opponent’s Camp, remove their Rabbit and the Camp token before placing your own Rabbit. Your opponent loses control of the Territory. If the Territory is occupied by one of your own Camps, remove the Camp token. This Territory can now hold a different Building.
A Fief
A Fief is a group of connected Territories under one player’s control. Territories are connected if they meet on the sides (top, bottom, left, or right—not diagonally), unless they are separated by a Lava Flow.
• If you play a Building card, place it face-up in front of you and put the City or token shown (Farm, Sky Tower, or Camp) on it.
You can place your Buildings on the New World board during the Construction Phase. Buildings let you improve your Fiefs to make them more valuable. After placing a Building, discard the associated card.
• When you play a Provisions card, immediately draw and play two cards from the deck. Put your Provisions card in your discard pile.
You can now look at the cards your neighbor passed to you (if there are any). Repeat these two steps (Draft and Play) until all the hand cards have been played (for example, a total of five times in a 4-player game). After the last cards are played, begin the Construction Phase.
Special Rules for 2 Player Games
• Each round, both players take 10 cards into their hand and place 10 cards facedown in front of them without looking at them. These cards are their Reserves.
A- Draft Cards
Each time, before choosing cards to play, draw 1 card from your Reserve and add it to your Hand.
Then, instead of choosing 2 cards to play, choose 1 card that you will play and 1 that you will discard (face-down). Pass the other cards to your opponent face-down.
The Play Cards Step plays normally.
2 - Construction Phase
During this phase, you can place your Buildings on the New World board by following the conditions below. Buildings increase the Strength, Wealth, or size of your Fiefs. You are never required to place a Building. You can leave them in front of you to place later.
• You can only place your Buildings on Territories you control, except for Camps which can only be placed on empty Territories.
• You must respect any Building Requirements of your Buildings. Luxury Resource Farms and Strength 3 Cities can only be placed on certain types of Territories, as indicated by the symbol on the card and the background color of the token.
• A Building cannot be moved once it has been placed on the board.
• There can never be more than one Building (City or token) on a Territory.
• If you place a Building on a Territory that already produces a basic Resource it continues to produce that Resource in addition to the effect of the Building.
Effects of Buildings
• Strength 1, 2, and 3 Cities increase the Strength of your Fief by 1, 2, or 3 respectively.
• Farms increase the Wealth of your Fief.
• Sky Towers connect two of your Territories in different Fiefs as if they were adjacent. These Territories and any Territories that are connected to them are now part of the same Fief.
• Camps let you take control of any empty Territory (without a Rabbit or a Building) on the board. Each Camp has a priority number (shown on the card). If you want to place a Camp, you must announce its priority number without announcing which Territory you want to play it on. Any player who has a Camp with a lower priority number can interrupt you and play their Camp before you (starting with whoever has the lowest priority number). After they play their Camp (or pass), you can either play yours or pass and save your Camp for a future Round. When you play a Camp, place one of your Rabbits on it to show that you control that Camp. If an opponent plays a Territory card that corresponds to one of your Camps, remove the Camp and replace your Rabbit with one of your opponent’s. If you played this card, simply remove the Camp. You may play a new Building on this Territory from now on.
3 - Harvest Phase
During this phase, players harvest from all their Fiefs.
Remember: A Fief is a Territory or group of connected Territories that you control. Territories are connected on their sides (not diagonally). All of the connected Territories in a Fief share their Resources and Cities.
Important: A Fief only provides Golden Carrots if it has at least one City and one Resource.
Calculate the Golden Carrots collected from a Fief
During each Harvest Phase, every one of your Fiefs gives you:
Golden Carrots from a Fief = Strength x Wealth
Determining the Strength of a Fief
The Strength of a Fief is the total of all of the Towers in its Cities.
A Strength 1 City has one Tower, a Strength 2 City has two, and a Strength 3 City has three.
Determining the Wealth of a Fief
The Wealth of a Fief is equal to the number of **different** Resources it produces.
If you have just finished the 4th Round, it is the End of the Game. All players reveal their Parchment cards and it’s time for the final scoring!
Once the Harvest Phase is complete, begin a new Round. Deal 10 or 12 new cards to each player, depending on the number of players.
Revealing Parchments and the End of the Game
At the end of the game, it’s time to reveal your Parchments! One at a time, each player reveals their cards and checks to see if they have fulfilled the requirements of their Missions. Treasures automatically give Golden Carrots, while gaining through Missions depends on your Territories, Fiefs, Buildings, or even other Parchment cards.
The player with the most wins the game and the honorific title of “Big Ears” until the next game!
In case of a tie, the players share the victory.
Notes on the Missions
Scoring Resources
Several Missions refer to the Resources you produce (for example, the Carpenter gives 1 for each Wood you produce). Unlike Fiefs, these cards actually count “all Resources,” even if two or more identical Resources are produced by the same Fief, and including any produced by Farms.
Important: At the end of the game, Trading Posts produce the same Resource they produced at the end of Round 4. You cannot choose one Resource while calculating a Fief’s Wealth during the last Round, then choose a different Resource to fulfill a Mission.
Reminder: A Territory can produce 2 Resources - a basic one on the board and a second one if you played a Farm on it.
Scoring Cities
Some Missions refer to the number of Cities you control. The Strength is not important: A Strength 1 or 2 City counts the same for this type of scoring.
Scoring Fiefs
Other Missions refer to the number of Fiefs you have, or the number of Territories that make up a Fief. You cannot choose to ignore Sky Towers or Camps for these Missions. Territories connected by Buildings still make a single Fief.
Special Parchments
PanPan the Barbarian
This card refers to all of a player’s Territories (Plains and Mountains) that produce no Resources and have no Cities, even if they are part of a Fief that includes Territories that do.
You copy the entire card: If you copy a Treasure, it also gives you Bonuses if you have the Treasure Guardian and/or the Treasure Hunter Mission.
They give you 1 Golden Carrot if you only have one glove or 4 Golden Carrots each if you have both gloves (for a total of 8 Golden Carrots).
Little Prince
If there is a tie between the Fiefs that give you the most Golden Carrots, harvest all but one of them again.
- Basic Resource: A type of Resource that is produced by certain Territories or Buildings: Fish, Wood, or Carrots.
- Building: There can only be one Building per Territory. Strength 1 Cities that start on the board at the beginning of the game are Buildings.
- Connected: Applies to two Territories controlled by the same player with a shared side (not separated by a Lava Flow) or two Territories linked by Sky Tower tokens.
- Deck: Exploration cards that have not been not dealt to the players. Provisions cards let you take the top two cards from the deck and play them immediately.
- Draft: To choose one or more cards from your hand then pass the remaining cards to another player, so they can do the same action.
- Empty: A Territory with no Rabbits or Buildings.
- Fief: A group of Territories connected to each other. A Fief can be made up of only a single Territory.
- Hand: Cards that a player holds in order to draft them during the Exploration Phase.
- Lava Flow: A feature on the New World board that separates two Mountain spaces. Rabbits placed on either side of a Lava Flow are not connected.
- Luxury Resource: A type of unique Resource that is produced by Luxury Resource Farms.
- Reserve: In a 2-player game, a stack of cards from which players add a card to their Hand before each draft.
- Strength: Total number of Towers on all Cities in a Fief.
- Wealth: Number of different Resources produced by a Fief.