Memoir '44
Memoir '44 commemorates the efforts and sacrifices of the men & women through World War II. You'll fight in numerous battles across the globe as you take control of your own army. From Normandy to the Pacific, you'll relive famous encounters throughout the war.
Number of players: 2
Game duration: 39 mn
Complexity: 3 / 5
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Play Memoir '44 and 917 other games online.
No download necessary - play directly from your web browser.
With your friends and thousands of players from the whole world.

Rules summary
- Play a command card
- Order Announce all units you intend to order, within the limits of the command card played.
- Move Move ordered units.
- Battle Battle one ordered unit at a time. Select target and:
- Check range and line of sight
- Check potential terrain effects
- Resolve battle
- Draw a command card
Play one command card at the start of a your turn, then announce which corresponding unit(s) you intend to order.
Units on a hex straddling sections may be ordered from either section.
Only those units that are issued an order may move, battle, or take a special action that turn.
Move units one at a time and only once per unit per turn. Movement for one unit must be completed before moving the next unit.
An ordered unit does not have to move.
Two units cannot occupy the same hex.
Units may not move onto or through a hex occupied by a friendly or enemy unit.
Individual figures of a unit always stay together and move as a group.
- Infantry - Move up to 1 hex and battle or 2 hexes and not battle. Special Forces (except French Resistance) may move up to 2 hexes and battle.
- Armor - Move up to 3 hexes and battle.
- Artillery - Move up to 1 hex or battle.
Resolve battles one at a time and only once per unit per turn. One unit’s battle must be completed before the next battle. An ordered unit does not have to battle.
Casualties do not affect a unit’s battle effectiveness.
A unit attacking an adjacent unit is in close assault.
A unit attacking a unit more than 1 hex away is firing at that unit.
A unit adjacent to an enemy must close assault that unit if it chooses to battle; it cannot fire on a more distant enemy.
Range and hit dice rolled
- Infantry 3 2 1
- Armor 3 3 3
- Artillery 3 3 2 2 1 1
Line of sight
All units require line of sight (LOS) to the enemy except artillery. Draw a line between the centres of the hexes; LOS is blocked if any part of a hex containing an obstruction or unit crosses this line. If the line runs along the edge of one or more hexes it is only blocked if they stand along both sides of the line segment.
Resolving battles
The attacker scores 1 hit for each dice symbol rolled that matches the unit type targeted. For each hit scored 1 figure is removed from the target unit. When the last figure is removed place it on one of the medal stands on the attacker’s side of the board.
- Infantry (2 sides of dice) - HIT: Score 1 hit on infantry.
- Armor - HIT: Score 1 hit on armor.
- Grenade - HIT: Score 1 hit on infantry, armor or artillery.
- Star - MISS: This is a miss, unless used in a limited number of tactical command cards.
- Flag - RETREAT: After all hits and casualties have been resolved, for each flag rolled the target unit must move one hex back towards its side of the battlefield.
Terrain has no effect on retreat moves; however impassable terrain cannot be moved through. A unit may not move onto or through a hex with any other unit in it.
If a unit cannot retreat, is forced to retreat off the battlefield, or would be pushed back onto a sea hex, one figure must be removed for each uncompleted retreat move.
Some obstacles allow some units to ignore the first flag rolled against them.
An ordered infantry unit in close assault may advance into a hex from which it has eliminated a unit or forced it to retreat.
An artillery unit may not take ground.
An armor unit may take the ground and claim an armor overrun combat. It may move into the vacated hex and then battle again. If the hex is adjacent to an enemy unit, this new combat must be close assault, otherwise, you may fire at a distant unit.
A unit may take ground again after a successful overrun combat, but may only make one overrun combat per turn.
All battles, close assault and overrun combats must be completed before the next unit may battle.
Use Special Forces badge tokens to indicate which units are Special Forces.
French resistance - Forces start with 3 figures per unit. They may always battle when they penetrate a new terrain type but cannot battle if they move 2 hexes. They may also retreat up to 3 hexes instead of the standard 1 on any retreat flag rolled.
Elite armor - Units start with 4 tank figures.
The terrain help cards summarize the effects of terrain. Soldier and tank icons show modifications to the number of dice rolled when that type of unit is attacking units within the terrain. When an obstacle is on a terrain hex, only the best of the battle dice reductions matters.
- Impassable by Armor & Artillery
- Infantry moving in must stop and may move no further on that turn
- Infantry battles out at -1 die
- Infantry may remove Abatis instead of battling
- Do not block line of sight
- When Air rules are in effect airplanes may take-off from, or land on, Airfields
- No movement restrictions
- No combat restrictions
- Do not block line of sight
- Attacker: Infantry -1 die, Armor -1 die, Artillery -1 die
- Unit moving in, or exiting, a Balka hex must stop and may move no further on that turn
- Unit may move out of a Balka directly onto a Bridge and vice versa, but must stop when doing so
- Unit battles out at -1 die
- Do not block line of sight. Unit in Balka blocks line of sight as normal
- Attacker: Infantry -1 die, Armor -2 die
- Unit moving in must stop and may move no further on that turn
- Unit moving in cannot battle
- Armor battles out at -2 dice
- Block line of sight
- Maximum movement onto beaches is 2 hexes
- No combat restrictions
- Taking Ground and Armor Overrun remain possible
- Do not block line of sight
- No movement restrictions, unless the bridge is destroyed
- No combat restrictions
- Do not block line of sight, unless stated otherwise in Special Rules
- Attacker: Infantry -1 die*, Armor -2 dice*
- Infantry may move in and battle
- Impassable by Armor & Artillery
- Original owner's units may ignore 1 flag
- Artillery in bunker may not retreat, must take loss instead
- Bunkers have 360° arc of fire
- Block line of sight
- *Protects original owner's units only
- Attacker: Infantry -1 die, Armor -2 die
- Unit moving in must stop and may move no further on that turn
- Unit moving in cannot battle
- Armor battles out at -2 dice
- Block line of sight
Caves on Hills
- Attacker: Infantry -2*/-1 dice, Armor -2*/-1 dice
- No movement restrictions for Infantry on hills
- Impassable by Armor & Artillery
- Block line of sight (except from contiguous adjacent hills at same height)
- *Only applies to units battling against Japanese from below or from another range
- Japanese Infantry may move from cave to empty cave as full turn move and still battle; Japanese unit in cave must ignore all flags
- Allied Infantry moving onto Cave hex may seal it by rolling a Star in Close Assault, in lieu of battling, if adjacent hexes are clear of enemy
Caves on Mountains
- Attacker: Infantry -2* dice, Armor -2* dice
- Infantry may only move up or retreat onto a mountain from adjacent hill or mountain. Infantry may only move down or retreat from a mountain to an adjacent hill or mountain
- Impassable by Armor & Artillery
- Block line of sight (except from contiguous adjacent hills at same height)
- *Only applies to units battling against Japanese from below or from another range
- Japanese Infantry may move from cave to empty cave as full turn move and still battle; Japanese unit in cave must ignore all flags
- Allied Infantry moving onto Cave hex may seal it by rolling a Star in Close Assault, in lieu of battling, if adjacent hexes are clear of enemy
- No movement restrictions
- No combat restrictions
- Unit may ignore 1 flag
- Do not block line of sight
- Attacker: Infantry -1 die, Armor -2 die
- Unit moving in must stop and may move no further on that turn
- Unit moving in cannot battle
- Armor battles out at -2 dice
- Unit may ignore 1 flag
- Block line of sight
City Ruins
- Attacker: Infantry -1 die, Armor -2 dice
- Infantry moving in must stop and may move no further on that turn
- Unit moving in cannot battle
- Impassable by Armor & Artillery
- Unit may ignore 1 flag
- Block line of sight
Cliffs & Sea Bluffs
- Attacker: Infantry -1 die*, Armor -1 die*
- Moving up from/down on beach hex is a 2 hex move for Infantry
- Armor/Artillery may not move up/down from the beach
- Cliffs only - Infantry may not Take ground from the beach
- Treat as normal hill from inland side for movement and battle
- Treat as normal hill from both sides for retreat
- Block line of sight (except from adjacent contiguous hills)
- *Only applies to units battling from below
- No movement restrictions for Infantry
- Impassable to Armor and Artillery
- No combat restrictions
- Unit may ignore 1 flag
- Do not block line of sight
Dragon's Teeth
- Infantry moving in must stop and may move no further on that turn
- Impassable by Armor and Artillery
- No combat restrictions
- Do not block line of sight
Ergs & Ridges
- Attacker: Infantry -1* die, Armor -1* die
- Unit moving up the ridge must stop and may move no further on that turn
- Block line of sight (except from adjacent contiguous terrain at same height)
- *Only applies to units battling from below
- Impassable Terrain
- Block line of sight
Factory Complex
- Attacker: Infantry -1 die, Armor -2 die
- Unit moving in must stop and may move no further on that turn
- Unit moving in cannot battle
- Armor battles out at -2 dice
- Block line of sight
Field Bunkers
- Attacker: Infantry -1 die, Armor -2 dice
- Infantry may move in and battle
- Impassable by Armor & Artillery
- Protect any occupant
- Occupant may ignore 1 flag
- Armor & Artillery in field bunker may not retreat, must take loss instead
- Bunkers have 360° arc of fire
- Block line of sight
Fish Ponds
- Infantry or Armor moving in must stop and may move no further on that turn
- Infantry or Armor leaving hex must stop on adjacent hex
- Impassable by Artillery
- Infantry moving onto a Fish Pond hex cannot battle that turn
- Infantry leaving a Fish Pond hex may battle
- Armor moving in/out cannot battle that turn
- Armor that makes successful combat against unit on a Fish Pond may Take Ground, but not Armor Overrun
- Do not block line of sight
Flooded Fields
- Unit moving in/out must stop and may move no further on that turn
- Unit moving in must start its move from adjacent hex
- No combat restrictions for Infantry or Artillery on Flooded Fields
- Armor cannot battle the turn it moves in/out
- Armor that makes successful combat against unit on flooded field may Take Ground but may not Armor Overrun
- Do not block line of sight
Fordable Streams
- Unit entering Fordable Stream must stop and may move no further on that turn
- Unit may still Take Ground and Armor Overrun
- No combat restrictions
- Do not block line of sight
Fords & Fordable Rivers
- Unit entering Ford or Fordable River must stop and may move no further on that turn
- Unit in Ford or Fordable River battles out at -1 die
- Do not block line of sight
- Attacker: Infantry -1 die, Armor -2 dice
- Unit moving in must stop and may move no further on that turn
- Unit moving in cannot battle that turn
- Block line of sight
- Attacker: Infantry -1 die, Armor -2 die
- Infantry may move in and battle
- Impassable by Armor & Artillery
- Occupant may ignore all flags
- Block line of sight
Frozen Rivers
- Frozen Rivers may be crossed, at a risk
- Moving or retreating onto Frozen River hex, roll 2 Battle dice; for each star rolled, lose 1 figure
- No combat restrictions
- Do not block line of sight
HQs & Supply Tents
- No movement restrictions
- No combat restrictions
- Block line of sight
- Infantry may move in or through and battle
- Impassable by Armor & Artillery
- No combat restrictions
- Infantry in hedgehogs may ignore 1 flag
- Do not block line of sight
- Attacker: Infantry -1 die, Armor -2 dice
- Unit moving in must stop and may move no further on that turn
- Unit moving in cannot battle that turn
- To enter or take ground, unit must stop on adjacent hex, may still Take ground
- Block line of sight
High Ground
- No movement restrictions
- No combat restrictions
- In Flooded Field scenarios, Hills, Roads, Railways, Towns & Villages are all considered High Ground, but keep their standard terrain effects
- Does not block line of sight
- Attacker: Infantry -1 die*, Armor -1 die*
- No movement restrictions
- Block line of sight (except from adjacent contiguous hills at same height)
- *Only applies to units battling from below
Hills with Forests
- Attacker: Infantry -1 die, Armor -2 dice
- Unit moving in must stop and may move no further on that turn
- Unit moving in cannot battle that turn
- Block line of sight
Hills with Villages
- Attacker: Infantry -1 die, Armor -2 dice
- Unit moving in must stop and may move no further on that turn
- Unit moving in cannot battle
- Armor battles out at -2 dice
- Block line of sight
- No movement restrictions
- No combat restrictions
- Block line of sight
- Attacker: Infantry -1 die, Armor -2 dice
- Unit moving in must stop and may move no further on that turn
- Unit moving into may battle if unit starts its move in adjacent hex
- If Armor unit starts its move in adjacent hex and makes a successful combat against unit on a Jungle hex, it may Take Ground and do an Armor Overrun
- Block line of sight
Labor Camps
- Attacker: Infantry -1 die, Armor -2 die
- Unit moving in must stop and may move no further on that turn
- Unit moving in cannot battle
- Armor battles out at -2 dice
- Block line of sight
- Impassable
- Two or more contiguous adjacent Lake hexes block line of sight
- Attacker: Infantry -1 die, Armor -2 dice
- Unit moving in must stop and may move no further on that turn
- Unit moving in cannot battle
- Armor battles out at -2 dice
- Block line of sight
- Infantry or Armor moving in must stop and may move no further on that turn
- Infantry or Armor moving out may only move onto an adjacent hex
- Impassable by Artillery
- Infantry moving in or out does not have any combat restrictions
- Armor moving in/out cannot battle
- Armor that makes successful combat against unit on a March may Take Ground, but may not Armor Overrun
- Do not block line of sight
- Drawn at the random from all minefield counters available and set up by controlling side before start of battle
- Unit moving in must stop and may move no further on that turn
- Friendly unit: Minefield is not revealed
- Enemy unit: Minefield is revealed; roll dice equal to Minefield value; unit's symbol and grenade score hits; all other symbols are ignored
- Decoys (0 strength) removed; other strength mines remain in hex, face up
- Retreat through or onto a minefield does not trigger it
- Do not block line of sight
- Attacker: Infantry -2* dice, Armor -2 dice*
- Infantry may only move up or retreat onto a mountain from adjacent hill or mountain. Infantry may only move down or retreat from a mountain to an adjacent hill or mountain
- Impassable by Armor & Artillery
- Artillery set on mountain fires at:
X3322111 - Block line of sight (except from contiguous adjacent mountains)
- *Only applies to units battling from below or not on same range
- Attacker: Infantry -1 die, Armor -1 die
- Unit moving in must stop and may move no further on that turn
- Unit moving in may still battle
- Unit may ignore 1 flag
- Block line of sight
- Maximum movement in ocean is 1 hex
- Unit cannot battle when in ocean
- Unit cannot retreat onto ocean
- Do not block line of sight
Palm Forests
- Attacker: Infantry -1 die, Armor -2 dice
- Unit moving in must stop and may move no further on that turn
- Unit moving in cannot battle that turn
- Block line of sight
- Movement onto only allowed from Land or Beach, not from Ocean hex
- No combat restrictions
- Do not block line of sight
Pontoon Bridges
- May only be built when specified by scenario's Special Rules
- To build a pontoon bridge, play an Attack command card, but order no units; instead, place a pontoon bridge on a river hex in same Section as Attack card
- No movement restrictions
- No combat restrictions
- Do not block line of sight unless stated otherwise in scenario special rules
Power Plants
- Attacker: Infantry -1 die, Armor -2 dice
- Unit moving in must stop and may move no further on that turn
- Unit moving in cannot battle
- Armor battles out at -2 dice
- Block line of sight
Prison Camps
- Attacker: Infantry -1 die, Armor -2 dice
- Unit moving in must stop and may move no further on that turn
- Unit moving in cannot battle
- Armor battles out at -2 dice
- Unit may ignore 1 flag
- Block line of sight
Radar Stations
- Attacker: Infantry -1 die, Armor -2 dice
- Unit moving in must stop and may move no further on that turn
- Unit moving in may battle
- Armor battles out at -2 dice
- Unit may ignore 1 flag
- Block line of sight
Railroad Bridges
- No movement restrictions for Infantry
- Armor and Artillery moving onto must stop
- No combat restrictions
- Armor may Take Ground and Overrun
- Do not block line of sight, unless stated otherwise in scenario's Special Rules
Railroad Station
- Attacker: Infantry -1 die, Armor -2 dice
- Unit moving in must stop and may move no further on that turn
- A Train moving into a Railroad Station does not have to stop
- Unit moving in cannot battle
- Armor battles out at -2 dice
- Blocks line of sight
Railroad Tracks
- No movement restrictions for Infantry
- Armor and Artillery moving onto must stop
- Road crossing a railroad plays as standard road
- No combat restrictions
- Armor may Take Ground and Overrun
- Do not block line of sight
- No movement restrictions for Infantry
- Impassable by Armor & Artillery
- No combat restrictions for Infantry
- Infantry may ignore 1 flag
- Do not block line of sight. Unit in Ravine blocks line of sight as normal
Rice Paddies
- Infantry or Armor moving in must stop and may move no further on that turn
- Infantry or Armor leaving hex must stop on adjacent hex
- Impassable by Artillery
- Infantry on a Rice Paddy hex does not have any combat restrictions
- Armor moving in/out cannot battle that turn
- Armor that makes successful combat against unit on a Fish Pond may Take Ground, but not Armor Overrun
- Do not block line of sight
Rivers & Waterways
- Impassable, except over bridges
- Do not block line of sight
Road Blocks
- Attacker: Infantry -1 die, Armor -1 die
- Infantry moving in must stop and may move no further on that turn
- Impassable by Armor & Artillery
- Unit may ignore 1 flag
- Do not block line of sight
- Unit that starts its move on a Road and stays on it may move 1 additional hex
- No combat restrictions
- Do not block line of sight, except when over hills
Rope Bridges
- No movement restrictions
- No combat restrictions
- Do not block line of sight
- Attacker: Infantry -1 die*, Armor -1 die*
- If occupant leaves, remove sandbags
- Occupant may ignore 1 flag
- Do not block line of sight
- *When on countryside or beach hex only
Sea Wall
- Attacker: Infantry -1 die*, Armor -1 die*
- No movement restrictions
- If initial occupant leaves, do not remove sandbags
- Unit behind Sea Wall may ignore 1 flag
- Does not block line of sight
- *Only protects units behind Sea Wall
Steep Hills
- Attacker: Infantry -1 die*, Armor -1 die*
- Some scenarios may designate hills as being steep
- Movement up onto steep hill is a 2 hex move
- Movement down hill, or from hill to hill, is a 1 hex move
- Block line of sight (except from adjacent contiguous hills at same height)
- *Only applies to units battling from below
Supply Depots
- No movement restrictions
- No combat restrictions
- Block line of sight
Towns & Villages
- Attacker: Infantry -1 die, Armor -2 die
- Unit moving in must stop and may move no further on that turn
- Unit moving in cannot battle
- Armor battles out at -2 dice
- Block line of sight
- Attacker: Infantry -1 die, Armor -1 die
- Infantry and Armor moving in must stop and may move no further on that turn
- Impassable by Artillery
- No combat restrictions for Infantry
- Armor cannot battle when in Trenches
- Infantry may ignore 1 flag
- Do not block line of sight. Units in Trenches block line of sight as normal
Wadis & Gullies
- Attacker: Infantry -1 die, Armor -1 die, Artillery -1 die
- Side slopes impassable, both in and out
- No movement restrictions through open ends
- Infantry or Armor battling in or out of Wadi or Gully must be adjacent to target
- Do not block line of sight. Unit in Wadi or Gully blocks line of sight as normal
- Unit moving in must stop and may move no further on that turn
- In wire, Infantry battles out at -1 die
- Infantry may remove wire instead of battling
- Armor removes wire and may still battle
- Does not block line of sight
Standard Units
- Move 0-1 and battle, or move 2 and no battle
- May Take Ground on successful Close Assault
- Battle Dice/Range: 3 2 1
- Move 0-3 and battle
- May Take Ground on successful Close Assault
- May Overrun on successful Close Assault
- Battle Dice/Range: 3 3 3
- Move 1 or battle
- Ignore Line of Sight and Terrain protections
- Battle Dice/Range: 3 3 2 2 1 1
Specialized Units
Special Forces
- Includes Elite, Rangers, Commandos, & more
- May move 2 and still battle
Elite Armor
- Starts with 4 tanks per unit
Aircraft Carriers
- When Air rules are in effect, some Airplanes may take-off from or land on Aircraft Carriers
- Move 0-2 Ocean hexes
- Cannot move adjacent to Beach
- Hit by grenades only -- Takes 3 hits to sink
- May ignore 1 flag, takes hit if cannot retreat
Armored Trains
Armored Train carries one Artillery piece on its Wagon
- Train may move and the Artillery can still fire
- Artillery on Wagon fires as regular Artillery
- Artillery on Wagon is destroyed when wagon is destroyed (3 hits)
Big Guns
- Combat Dice/Range: 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1
- Place cross-hair marker on hex of target when hit is scored to Zero In.
- Until moved or destroyed, Zeroed-In units take fire at +1 in future rounds.
- Cross-hair markers are not cumulative
- 3 figures +1 enemy figure
- If hits are scored against Brandenburgers, opponenet re-rolls a single die, looking for an Infantry symbol
- If re-roll fails, initial roll is ignored & Brandenburgers take no casualties
- If re-roll succeeds, enemy figure is removed & initial roll is applied as normal
- When Brandenburgers are ordered to battle, remove the enemy figure from within
- Brandenburgers with no enemy figure act like Special Forces Infantry
- 4 Figures
- Ordered as Infantry
- Move 0-3 and battle
- Combat Dice/Range: 2 1
- On successful Close Assault, may Take Ground and battle again like an Armor Overrun combat
Combat Engineers
- 4 Infantry figures
- Ignore all terrain Battle dice reductions in Close Assault
- In wire, may battle out at -1 die and still remove the wire
- In minefield, must clear the mines instead of battling
- If ordered on Infantry Assault, may move 2 hexes and remove wire or clear mines
Command Cars
- 1 figure
- Treated as Infantry for all purposes
- Move 0-3, no battle
- Enemy re-rolls all battle dice that score a hit
- If at least one re-roll is a Grenade, kill is confirmed; all other re-rolls are ignored
- Order 1 more unit than indicated by Section card when played in same section as Command Car
- When Command car is ordered by a Recon 1, player may draw 1 Command card from the discard pile at the end of their turn instead of drawing 2 from the draw pile
Depleted Units
- A depleted unit contains fewer figures than normal, as indicated in the scenario
- A depleted unit may never gain back more figures than it had at game start
- A depleted unit moves and battles as normal, but does not count as a Medal when eliminated or exiting the battlefield
- Move 0-2 Ocean hexes and battle
- Combat Dice/Range: 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1
- Cannot move adjacent to Beach
- Hit by grenades only -- Takes 3 hits to sink
- May ignore 1 flag, takes hit if cannot retreat
- Place cross-hair marker on hex of target when hit is scored to Zero In.
- Until moved or destroyed, Zeroed-In units take fire at +1 in future rounds.
- Cross-hair markers are not cumulative
Flame Thrower Tanks
- 3 figures
- Combat Dice/Range: 3 3 3
- Move 0-3 and battle
- Terrain Battle dice reduction limited to 1 max in Close Assault
- 1-3 figures, as specified in the scenario
- Treated as Armor for all purposes
- Move 0-2 and battle
- Combat Dice/Range: 2 2
- On successful Close Assault, may Take Ground but not Overrun
- When ordered & adjacent to a weakened friendly unit, may Re-supply it instead of battling
Heavy Anti-Tank Guns
- Treated as Artillery for all purposes
- Move 0-1 or battle
- Combat Dice/Range: 2 2 2 2
- Stars hit on Armor or Vehicle
- Ignore terrain battle restrictions
- Require Line of Sight to target enemy unit
Hobart's Funnies
- Move and Battle like standard Armor unit
- Replace 1 Tank figure with Churchill AVRE & accessory of choice before game start
- Assault Bridge - Place Bridge over river instead of battling
- Bobbin - Ignore movement restrictions of Beach, March, & Wire; when moving onto or through Wire, remove it
- Fascine - Ignore movement restrictions of Fords & Trenches; may battle from Trenches
- Mine Digger - Must stop upon entering minefield; remove it without detonating and battle as normal
- Petard Mortar - Battle at +1 die when Close Assaulting a Bunker; if Star is rolled, remove Bunker
- May retreat 1 to 2 hexes per flag
Landing Craft (LC)
- LC always start on baseline ocean hexes with units in them
- LC may move up to 2 hexes, but never onto hedgehogs
- When landing on beach, remove LC, leave unit
- Unit in LC is targeted as normal in battle
- Unit in LC may retreat with the LC on ocean hexes
- Unit may not battle while in LC or when landing
- If unit in LC is eliminated, LC is also removed but yields no additional medal
- Block line of sight
Long-Range Patrol Cars
- 1-3 figures, as specified in the scenario
- Treated as Infantry for all purposes
- Move 0-4 and battle
- Combat Dice/Range: 3 2 1
- On successful Close Assault, may Take Ground but not Overrun
- Enemy re-rolls all battle dice that score a hit
- If at least one re-roll is a Grenade, kill is confirmed; all other re-rolls are ignored
Mobile Artillery
- 2 figures
- Combat Dice/Range: 3 3 2 2 1 1
- Move 0-1 and battle, or move 2 and no battle
- Ignore line of sight and terrain protections
Screaming Meemies
- Move 1 or battle
- Combat Dice/Range: 3 3 2 2 1 1
- At player's choice, fire Incendiary or Smoke shells
- Incendiary shells - Flags cannot be ignored
- Smoke shells - Place Smoke Screen markers on up to 3 contiguously adjacent hexes within firing range instead of battling
- Never benefit from terrain protection
- Ignore line of sight and terrain protections
Ski Troops
- 3 Figures
- Combat Dice/Range: 3 2
- Move 0-3 and battle
- Move onto any terrain and may still battle, but must still obey terrain movement restrictions
- May retreat 1 to 3 hexes on flag
- Combat Dice/Range: 1 1 1 1 1
- Move 0-2 and battle; Retreat up to 3 hex/flag
- Move onto any terrain and may still battle, but must still obey terrain movement restrictions
- May not target an Armor unit
- Hit enemy on symbol & star, ignore terrain protection
- Sniper is only hit on Grenade (& Star exceptions)
- Sniper does not count as Victory medal
Supply Trains
- May carry Infantry or Armor reinforcement units
- Units cannot battle while on Train
- When Locomotive is at Station, units may disembark on hexes adjacent to Locomotive or Wagon
Supply Trucks
- 1-3 figures, as specified in the scenario
- Treated as Infantry for all purposes
- Move 0-2, +2 hexes when on a road
- Cannot battle
- When ordered & adjacent to a weakened friendly unit, may Re-supply it
Tank Destroyers
- 3 figures (4 for Germans and Russians)
- Treated as Armor for all purposes
- Move 0-2 and battle
- Combat Dice/Range: 2 2 2 2
- Stars hit on Armor or Vehicle
- When it does not move, ignore all terrain battle restrictions
- On successful Close Assault, may Take Ground but not Overrun
- May retreat 1 to 2 hexes per flag
- 1 figure
- Move 0-3 and battle like normal Armor
- Enemy re-rolls all battle dice that score a hit
- If at least one re-roll is a Grenade, kill is confirmed; all other re-rolls are ignored
- Ordered as a single unit
- Move 1-3 hexes either way, along empty tracks
- Retreat in opposite direction to locomotive's travel
- Train may ignore 1 flag
- Hit on Grenade symbol
- Wagon destroyed on 3rd hit, Locomotive on 4th hit
Special Weapon Assets Rules
- SWA is placed with unit, removed when last figure is lost
- Unit with SWA is treated as Infantry for all purposes
- Unit with SWA may not Take Ground
- SWA does not count as an additional Medal
Anti-Tank Gun
- Fires like the Infantry unit it equips
- May only move or battle
- Stars hit on Armor
Anti-Tank Gun (Late War - 1942+)
- Treated as Infantry for all purposes, e.g. can Move 0-1 and attack or Move 2 and not attack
- When it moves, battles like Infantry (3 2 1)
- When it does not move, Stars hit on Armor or Vehicle
Machine Gun
- Fires like the Infantry unit it equips
- May only move or battle
- Stars hit on Infantry
Machine Gun (Late War - 1942+)
- Treated as Infantry for all purposes, e.g. can Move 0-1 and attack or Move 2 and not attack
- When it moves, battles like normal Infantry (3 2 1 + Line of Sight)
- When it does not move, Stars hit on Infantry
- Fires like the Infantry unit it equips
- May only move or battle
- Ignores line of sight and terrain protections
Mortar (Late War - 1942+)
- Treated as Infantry for all purposes, e.g. can Move 0-1 and attack or Move 2 and not attack
- When it moves, battles like normal Infantry (3 2 1 + Line of Sight)
- When it does not move:
- Increase range to 3 2 1 1
- Ignore all terrain battle protections and line of sight
Air Strikes & Blitz
Air Strikes
- When a player is capable of making Air Strikes, in conditions specified by the scenario, any Recon 1 card he plays may be played as an Air Power card instead
- The Air Strike must target at least one hex in the section designated on the Recon 1 card played as the Air Power
Blitz Rules - The Axis player can make Air Strikes at will when playing a Recon 1 card
- Allied Armor can move a maximum of 2 hexes and battle
Armor Breakthrough
- During a single game turn, you may order new Armor Units onto the board
- Order must be valid and issued as normal
- Units must enter through Opponent's baseline
- Units must stop on baseline hex; they may battle and Take Ground this turn, but not Armor Overrun
- When retreating, Units must retreat toward controlling player's baseline
Blitz Rules
- Axis may play a Recon 1 card as an Air Power card in same section
- Allied Armor move 2 hexes max and Axis Armor move 3 hexes max
Blowing Up Bridges
Option 1
- Play Section card matching Bridge's section
- Bridge is removed, card is lost and never replaced!
Option 2
- Play Section card matching Bridge's section
- Roll 2 dice - a star blows Bridge
- Draw replacement card, regardless of outcome
- A Camouflaged unit may only be targeted in Close Assault
- A Camouflaged unit that moves or battles loses its Camouflage
Capture HQ/Supply Tent
- When Capture HQ/Supply Tent rules are in effect, owner of captured HQ/Supply Tent immediately loses 1 random Command Card. If owner reclaims HQ/Supply Tent, they replenish their hand
Capturing Equipment
- When Capturing Equipment rules are in effect, a unit capturing a scenario-specified hex picks up the equipment represented by a Battle Star. To pick up the equipment, the unit capturing it must end its move on the specified hex
- If the unit is eliminated, the battle star representing the captured equipment is left in the hex where the unit was when it was killed!
Collapsible Rafts & Boats
- Available to Infantry only
- Unit in boat may move on Rivers & Waterways, but must stop and may move no further on that turn
- Unit battles out at -1 die
- Unit does on retreat, instead loses 1 figure for each flag
- When unit disembarks, boat may no longer be used
Combat Cards
- Placeholder for Combat Cards, if implemented
Destroy Supplies
- When Destroy Supplies rules are in effect, destroying a Supply Depot using the Sabotage rules reduces movement of all enemy Armor units by 1 hex
Exit Markers
- Markers with arrows pointing toward the players designate specific baseline hexes through which a unit exiting the board collects a medal
- Pairs of markers turned sideways designate a set of baseline hexes through which a unit exiting the board collects a medal; it includes the hexes with the markers
- When a unit successfully exits, place 1 of its figures on your Victory track
Forward Spotting
- When Forward Spotting Artillery rules are in effect, the player occupying specific Scenario-defined hexes can use their Artillery units like Big Guns
Freeing Prisoners
- When Freeing Prisoners rules are in effect, the unit capturing a Fortress, Prison Camp, or other Scenario-specified hex picks up the Prisoners represented by a Battle Star
- If a unit that frees up Prisoners is eliminated, those are lost too!
Heroic Leader
When Heroic Leader rules are in effect:
- Use a Battle Star to add a heroic leader to an Infantry unit
- Infantry unit with heroic leader may ignore on flag
- Infantry unit with heroic leader battles at +1 die
- When Infantry unit with heroic leader is eliminated, roll two Battle Dice; if at least 1 star is rolled, leader is lost and counts as a Victory medal; if heroic leader survives, move him to nearest friendly Infantry unit.
Hospital Recovery
- When Hospital Recovery rules are in effect, an Ordered Infantry with no adjacent enemy may recover lost figures. The unit cannot move or battle this turn. Recovery
- Roll 6 battle dice. For each die matching the unit's symbol or a star, 1 lost figure is returned to the unit. The unit may not gain more figures than it originally had.
Night Attacks
Use Night Visibility Chart to determine maximum attack range
- Each turn Allied player rolls 4 dice, each Star increases visibility
- Visibility starts at 1, meaning only close-assault attacks can occur.
- When full daylight (6) is reached, chart is set aside; normal visibility conditions resume
- Before full daylight (6), cards such as Air Power and Barrage can not be used with their original attack, but may be used to order 1 unit of your choice instead.
North African Desert Rules
- On successful Close Assault, Armor may move into vacated hex and move 1 additional hex before battling again.
Oasis Recovery
- When Oasis Recovery rules are in effect, an Ordered Infantry with no adjacent enemy may recover lost figures. The unit cannot move or battle this turn. Recovery
- Roll 1 battle die for each Command card you have, including the one used to order the Infantry. For each die matching the unit's symbol or a star, 1 lost figure is returned to the unit. The unit may not gain more figures than it originally had
On the Move
- Units that are On the Move may be ordered in ANY section of the battlefield. They move as normal, but may not battle this turn.
- Drop all figures onto the board from the height of the box set on its side
- If a figure lands on an impassable hex, on a hex with other figure(s), or out of the board, it fails to land safely; Remove the figure(s), at no medal cost.
- Otherwise, the figure has successfully parachuted; add the # of figures required to form a full Unit in that hex
- Unit may not move or battle the turn it lands
Radar Alert
- When Radar rules are in effect, opponent cannot use an Air Sortie card (or equivalent) unless they first place it face up on the board at the end of the turn prior to it being played. Once on the board, the card must be played the next turn.
- When Re-supply rules are in effect, any vehicle with this ability may Re-supply any weakened adjacent friendly unit
- Figures are exchanged 1 for 1, at no medal cost
- Unit re-supplied cannot gain more figures than it had at the game start
- Supply vehicle and re-supplied unit(s) cannot battle this turn
Reduced Visibility
- Dice symbols matching a unit's symbol only score hits in Close Assault
- Grenades still score hits as normal
- Stars still score hits, when applicable
- The Barrage command card is unaffected, still scores hits on unit's symbol
- When Reinforcement rules are in effect, if the airfield is vacant, you may land an Infantry unit on it, at the cost of one order, when playing a Direct from HQ card. This unit cannot move or battle this turn.
- When Sabotage rules are in effect, a Landmark (Dam, Factory, Power Plant, etc....) can be demolished; Roll 2 dice at the start of any turn during which at least one of the saboteur's units is on the Landmark. Once the scenario-specified number of Battle stars has been rolled, the Landmark is demolished. If the Landmark is captured before the sabotage is completed, the count must be restarted from zero.
Smoke Screen
- Place Smoke Screen markers on 3 adjacent contiguous hexes
- Once your turn has elapsed, flip Smoke Screen markers over
- Once your 2nd turn has elapsed, remove Smoke Screen markers
- Units can move on and through Smoke Screen without penalty
- Smoke Screen blocks line of sight
- Unit on Smoke Screen hex may be seen and see out of that hex
Smoke Shells
- Use Smoke Screen markers; place them on 3 adjacent contiguous hexes
- Lasts 2 full turns; after opponent's first turn, flip markers over; after opponent's second turn, remove them
- Units moving into smoke shelled hex must stop
- Units battle into and out of smoke shelled hex at -1 die
- Blocks all line of sight, even for Artillery
Supply Train/Reinforcements
- When Supply Train/Reinforcements rules are in effect, when a Supply Train reaches a Station, units on board may disembark onto adjacent hexes. They may not move or battle this turn.
Winter Weather
- Armor and Vehicle move 2 hexes max
- Taking Ground and Armor Overrun are still possible, when applicable
- If entire move is on a road, move 1 additional hex to a max of 3
- Both Allied and Axis forces roll only 1 battle die when playing an Air Power
French Resistance
- 3 figures only
- Move 0-1 and battle, or move 2 no battle
- Fire at X321
- Move onto any terrain and may still battle, but must still obey terrain movement restrictions
- May Take Ground on successful Close Assault
- May retreat 1 to 3 hexes per flag
Red Army (RKKA)
Russian Political Commissar
- A Command card cannot be played directly from hand. Instead, it must be placed under the Commissar chip in preparation for a future turn.
- Recon 1, Counter-Attack, and Ambush cards are exceptions; they may be played as normal
- Otherwise, the Command card already under the Commissar chip is the player's Command card for the turn
Imperial Japanese Army
Yamato Damashi Spirit
- Infantry must always ignore 1 flag
- When in terrain that ignores a flag, must ignore 2 flags instead
- When in caves, must ignore all flags Seishin Kyoiku Doctrine
- Infantry at full strength in Close Assault battles at +1 die Banzai War Cry
- Infantry may move 2 hexes to combat into Close Assault
US Marine Corps
- Order 1 more unit than indicated on any Section card played
- All Tactic cards that activate 1 to 4 units activate 2 to 5 instead
- Marines counter-attack with +1 ordered unit against Japanese Command card. Opposite not true
- No effect on Air Power, Air Sortie, Artillery Bombard, Barrage, Close Assault, Infantry Assault, and Their Finest Hour
British Commonwealth Forces (BCF)
Stiff Upper Lip
- A BCF ground unit that survives an enemy's Close Assault combat without retreating and is down to a single figure may immediately battle that enemy back with 1 die
- A battle back ignores all terrain battle dice reductions
- A battle back may occur even if the Close Assault is part of an Armor Overrun
- The unit cannot battle back during an Ambush
Italian Royal Army
Italian High Command
- Start with 6 Command cards; discard one for each unit lost, but never go below 3 Motorized Divisions
- All Italian ground units may retreat 1 to 3 hexes per flag Artillery Bravery
- All Italian Artillery units may ignore 1 flag
French Army
Furia Francese
- Any French Standard Infantry unit that successfully eliminates an enemy unit or forces it to retreat following a close assault may:
- Take Ground and not battle or
- Stay in place and make a second Close Assault against another adjacent enemy unit This second attack is made with 1 die, ignoring any Terrain battle reductions. The Infantry unit may Take Ground following this 2nd attack, if eligible, but cannot attack again this turn.